Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More about gardens...

Ok, I am feeling like a proud parent here.
I can't resist.
I can't hold back.
It's my garden!
That's right, my own personal kitchen garden. "Kitchen Garden" seems like a good name, it defines it from the rest of the flora around the house. And, after all it is a garden for the kitchen, right?
What you can see (and can't) is:
Husk Cherries
et al herbs
Kiwi (Behind the house, not pictured)
Not bad huh?

Now, I know it might not look like much now, but it is still pretty early here in Vermont. So, you wait and see, it's going to be a good season, I know it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Gardens...

Here's quick little post for you. I just wanted to give you an update on the world here in Vermont. I haven't been posting much lately, and of course I started posting in the "dead" of winter. Well, winter is over, very over, and the gardens in Vermont look amazing. We are currently in the middle of one of the best strawberry seasons in recent memory. Here are some quick little video clips of the gardens here at the Round Barn, I shot on my Vimeo Flipcam, nice and easy to use but the quality isn't exactly Hollywood.

Here is a little description of what you'll see here: In the first video you'll find potatoes, many varieties, and then under the white cover is all fall and winter squashes, after that in the fenced in area you'll find all the lettuces, spinach, kale, basil, tomatoes, broccoli... of course all Certified Organic.
The smaller garden has more of the same but in different stages, and maybe a few other things there, see what you can pick out.